Its always interesting when you realize more and more what you have in common with your parents. In my case it has been amazingly enriching to find that my folks and I have some very similar tastes in music. More so my dad and I, but my mom enjoys many of the artists as well. And it brings me great happiness to be able to introduce them to new artists who they become ardent supporters of. This all goes back years ago when I was a kid growing up with an old eight track in my room and my dad had a record player, cassette player, reel to reel (I'm not even sure how the hell that thing worked), and a cassette deck. He later made the technological leap into the CD age and actually had an Ipod before I did (now my mom has an Ipad what the heck is going on!) Anyhow, it was then that I was introduced to at least two artists that would become favorites, Willie Nelson and Mark Knopfler. I may not have known it at the time but they both are two of my top choices when driving cross country. Its continued over the years with Tommy Emmanuel and Iz to name just a few. Well now the time has come that I get to return the favor!
With the Folks atop Kendrick a year or so ago
A few years back I made a DVD/slideshow for my family documenting my adventures over the past year and on the "soundtrack" I included one of my newly favorite groups, the Devil Makes Three, it wasn't long before my dad was requesting a CD. Several months after sending out the CD I received a late night phone call from my parents. I learned what it must be like for a parent to receive that call from their kids! The back ground noise was overwhelming but I could hear my dad shouting, "Hey!".... "Dad?" "Yeah! Guess where we are!?" "I don't know, is everything ok?" "We're watching the Devil Makes Three! They're playing in Chico! I think your mom and I are the oldest people here! We're standing on chairs!" Let me tell you that was an awesome 3 minute conversation, I could just picture my folks surrounded by young hipsters rocking out to some sweet Bluegrass/punk fusion (at least thats how I look at it!) Our second experience with the DM3 was a bit different but just as rewarding. My dad was in the hospital recovering from open heart surgery and I was spinning my wheels at the house. Suspiciously there were no home projects left undone, other than digging a two foot trench around some aggressive bamboo that was attempting to claim new territory. I had been hacking at the hardened red clay/dirt of Northern California all morning and was taking a break. I started thinking of what might cheer my dad up when he got out of the hospital and I got onto the DM3 website and sent them and email. I outlined my dads love of their music, his current condition, and asked if I might be able to order him a t-shirt. Less than 24 hrs later I got a message back, short and to the point, What size and where to send it. My dad had been home only a day or two when a shirt showed up on the doorstep courtesy of the Devil Makes Three. Great folks! |
Now there are some areas where are mutual tastes differ, I'm not sure if the folks really bought into the Nightwatchman, or the Black Keys, and he's had some that I wasn't so into, but overall this mutual sharing of tunes has been great. His biggest lament about the latest offerings that I sent him was this, "Did you know Ted Hawkins died in 1995? There goes another great singer/songwriter dead and gone before I "discover" them! Townes Van Zant, Walter Hyatt,Iz, and now Ted!" I guess I'll have to check the status of artists before I recommend them.
I wonder if this trend is nature or nurture?
Heres the last two links that I sent to my dad and his friend Don with two new artists I've been listening to. Somewhat mournful but damn these guys have some voices! I hope whoever is reading this enjoys them and is inspired to share their favorite artists with those close to them. Also, the videos are ok but its the songs that hit.
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